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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Police Failures: Why are we still surprised?

This video was posted by TYT on 30 Aug 2017. It can fairly be described as another in a long line of "What the hell" videos involving questionable behavior by America's police.

 I'm still amazed that Cenk, a TYT host, and owner, still seems to not understand policing in America.

Every time this happens Cenk acts shocked and then goes on to lecture us on how the police should act. This is America, and in America, this kind of policing has a long history of being okay. Not only is it okay, it condoned at the highest levels.

America is a "Law and Order" society and Americans give the police almost unlimited authority to do whatever they want. We must remember that "Blue Lives Matter" was created as a direct response to a few "silly" people who were upset about the police shooting a lot of unarmed black people. What was America's response to the brutal police tactics? The response was not, "Oh, let's stop shooting black people!" Instead, America's response was to create the Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter movements. And that pretty much says it all.

So Cenk, save your breath, the rational don't need your lectures, we already know how the police should behave; as for the irrational, which constitute the vast majority of Americans, they have no intention of changing their minds.