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Friday, January 26, 2018

Judge Aquilina: Justice Gets a Blackeye

In response to the video below entitled: "Did Judge Aquilina Go Too Far in Her Statement to Nassar."

I think she did go too far -- I would say she provided grounds for appeal. In this case the evidence leaves little doubt about Nassar's guilt, however, the US justice system has, with little hesitation, sent innocent people to prison or sentenced them to death on many occasions. In those cases, an impartial judge is essential to a fair trial.

Aquilina's statements to Nassar indicate that she lacks the objectivity and detachment to judge cases where is the evidence is thin and the only barrier to a politically minded prosecutor convicting and an innocent person with an underpaid public defender is a vigilant judge. While purely objective judges don't exist in reality, the idea and the goal of having highly impartial judges is quintessential to a fair justice system, and I would say she failed that particular test miserably.

With regard to her statement supporting an eye-for-eye system of justice, this further demonstrates a level of bias that we should all find unacceptable.

“Our Constitution does not allow for cruel and unusual punishment. If it did … I would allow some or many people to do to him what he did to others.”

The idea that she needs a constitution to prevent her from imposing cruel and unusual punishment is little different from those who would support torture if the constitution allowed it or if it were legal. The inhumanity of such ideas is not dependant on the constitution or on legality and if the only thing that holds back your worst instincts are words on a piece of paper, then perhaps being a federal judge is not the right occupation.
In response to the YouTube video below entitled "Evangelicals Bending Over Backwards for Trump."

Evangelicals voted for Trump because they prefer authoritarian governments, not democratic governments. It is hard to worship a god without feeling right at home with authoritarianism.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Being anti-immigration: an inevitable step on the road to fascism.

In response to the YouTube video below entitled "Border Patrol Thinks Dead Mexicans are Hilarious."

Anti-immigrant attitudes, like racism, is just one of the steps along the road to fascism. TYT often acts or sounds surprised that this is happening in America. This has been part of America's evolution for the past 30 years. America's progress along that road has been as predictable as a stopped clock. American nationalism, which is brainwashed into people during public and private education, keeps people from admitting that the America they want is not the America they live in.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

American Neo-Nazi Murderer Not Necessarily an Oxymoron

In response to the video: Neo-Nazi Murderer To Be Tried as Minor

Perhaps he is being tried as a minor, because he is a minor, and of course because he is white, with the latter being the more important variable. The American criminal justice system has never hesitated to try minors as adults if it suits the social need. In 2001, America sentenced a 14-year-old (black kid) to life in prison for a crime that was arguably equally horrible.

The actions of the American Nazi, extreme as they are, are based on an underlying philosophy that is not entirely unpopular with many, many Americans. America could not have possibly advanced this far along the road to fascism if the authoritarianism, so much appreciated by the Nazis, was not an attractive and appealing ideology for lots of people. Politicians routinely build their campaigns around authoritarian buzz words like Law-and-Order and calling protesters and activists, terrorists.

A Law-and-Order Criminal Justice System

Prosecutors, who always have political aspirations, will not piss down the neck of Americans by putting this trial under a public spotlight. As a minor, everything will be sealed and there will be no public conversation about his motivation, or where he got it his inspiration. The last thing a law-and-order society needs is to hear that this kid's murderous thinking was inspired by racism, bigotry, and the nationalism of their leaders and their political parties.

What Happens When the Blindfolded Lady with the Scales is a Racist?

As for the 14-yr-old mentioned above, parading a black child in front of the media as little homicidal animal, fit well with the American narrative of blacks being an inferior and violent race, or as Hillary would say, "super-predators. " Clinton's speech was 3 years before the crime that landed a child in prison for life. I would think that most advanced societies, as America claims to be, would find a better way to handle such a case.

A Side Note: Censorship in America

Regarding the free speech issue brought up in the video, TYT is way off base. They defend the hell out of speech when it is speech they like but quickly ask why Twitter hasn't censored the sites they dislike. This is typical of those mentally trapped within the matrix of the American system, i.e., some censorship is okay and free speech is great unless I disagree with it.

Tribal America

In response to this video

Blood is Thicker Than Water

Humans are biologically clannish and tribal, it is the Achilles heel of our species. America is our tribe, and the news media, consisting mostly of humans, is not going to go against the tribe. The same is true of every American politician. They wear an American flag lapel pin for a reason -- it is flashing the gang colors of America. While tribes, gangs and clans can do awful things, those in the middle, or the matrix, still show allegiance, which is why so many were outraged that Kaepernick took a knee. He took a stand above and outside the tribe.

Tribalism knows no political bounds, both parties and independents are fiercely tribal. While Sanders and Warren have polices I disagree with, I appreciated the fact that they don't wear an American flag lapel pin, which of course, opens them to claims that they are unpatriotic and un-American and not part of the tribe; on the other hand, their campaign rallies, like all others, are drenched in American flags and are wet with nationalism. 

Outcomes of American Tribalism

 It was painful to realize that this story could be equally true if we substituted American for Israeli and Afghanistan for Palestine. Perhaps this is why the US government is sympathetic to occupiers. Birds of a feather ...

 People all over the world pay a price, often the price of life, for the gang affiliation of Americans.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Law and Order is code for Authoritarisnism

This video below is the basis for my comments. I recommend the video as a chance to see multiple scenes from the inauguration day protests in Washington, DC.

I wish I shared the guarded optimism expressed in the video, but I don't see the days of authoritarian policing coming to an end in America anytime soon. The militarization of the police has been in progress for several decades and has taken place under both Democratic and Republican governments. Reversing it would be a huge task and neither political party sees a political advantage in doing so. On the contrary, both parties find the process to be in line with their ideology.

Both political parties stress "law and order," and use the phrase as code for authoritarianism. As a result, our police forces are now typical of those historically seen in repressive governments. Responses to protests in America (with gas, projectiles, and truncheons) are not unlike what we have seen in Panama, Nicaragua, Columbia, Nigeria, South Africa and what we continue to see today in Iran,  Honduras, and Egypt.

Once we start rounding up our citizens like cattle, democracy is dead.

On 31/12/17, 60 people (students) were arrested at a birthday party in Cartersville, Georgia. More than likely it was a mass arrest (or a mass false arrest) without legitimate cause. It is almost inconceivable that all 60 people presented probable cause for their arrest. Just like it was inconceivable that the 200 or so protesters arrested in Washington, DC, presented probable cause.

The high profile mass detentions in DC, and previously in New York City, offered cover for arrests like the ones in Georgia to continue unabated. The prosecution (read as the US Judiciary) of those who were near an alleged crime has offered the police the legal backing needed to randomly arrest people by assuming "guilt by proximity."

It's clear the police are now acting as a blunt unconstitutional force with the goal of coercion, extortion, and intimidation of Americans, with those having the least power, being the most heavily targeted. Policing changes that have taken place in America are part of the natural political evolution towards authoritarianism that is taking place, not just in America, but around the world.

The rules are changing -- tag, you're a criminal.
And as a criminal, you are subject to continuous control.

Federal, state and local governments are using the executive and legislative branches to criminalize dissent and any behaviors that challenge those in power or challenge the views of those who support those in power. Then they use the police and the judicial branch to make sure citizens constantly feel the boot of authority on their neck as a gentle reminder that conformity is better than a criminal record or prison.

2018: Practice makes perfect.

The US government has become so illegitimate that it has turned its power and resources toward suppressing dissent. It now rounds up its citizens like cattle just to demonstrate its power and procedures to do so. Oddly, most citizens have yet to realize these changes, while some, mainly Republicans and conservatives, have embraced these authoritarian changes as the way to save America. However, those in power know what's coming, and they don't plan to be caught off-guard. They have time to make sure that a government "For the people and by the people," will never happen in America.