Manifest Destiny and Modern White Supremacy
In his video (taking points, see link below) O'Reilly is espousing a type of manifest destiny for whites. It is a similar version of manifest destiny that was applied to Native Americans. He seems to believe that whites have a god-given destiny that is different from the destiny of Blacks. He also seems to believe that (1) whites have superior virtues that are not shared by blacks, (2) that whites must continue to remake America in an effort to achieve the white American dream (destiny), and (3) that this destiny is in many ways irresistible and must be accomplished as part of god's grand design for whites in America.In other words, O'Reilly appears to have come out as a white supremacist, which goes far beyond the racism, of which he is frequently accused. As you may recall, manifest destiny was the foot in the door for the first American genocide, what O'Reilly appears to endorse is the foot in the door for justification of the next American genocide.
The current GOP represents the dark, disgusting political and social forces needed for such a second genocide. I don't think it is to much of a stretch to say that these forces have been seen before, both in prewar Germany and in the apartheid movements of South African and today in Israel. In that sense O'Reilly is simply hooking his horse to a wagon that has a long history and is already rolling. While it appears that he is coming out of the closet as a white supremacist, I suspect that it is more that we are now starting to see the forest behind the trees.
Keywords: O'Reilly, racism, white supremacy, supremacist, apartheid, genocide
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