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Monday, November 28, 2016

Muslim Registry: Americans Will Draw a Line -- Maybe, Someday

28 Nov 2016
Prague, CZ

I was watching a TYT video in which the panelist were discussing the likelihood of there ever being a Muslim Registry. The discussion centered around a news clip of Reince Priebus saying that while a Muslim Registry was NOT and option, nothing was OFF THE TABLE. An amazing sentence, which in fewer characters than a Tweet displays a level of dishonesty that should instantly qualify him to be a presidential candidate in 2020.

The TYT discussion involved some joking at the lunacy of such a registry and then went on to discuss how likely it was to ever happen. There were references to the Japanese registry of WWII and there were suggestions that the American people would never let that happen again. The panelist, under or around 40 years old, may have forgotten that most Americans were born after the Japanese registry happened or were very, very young when it happened. They may have also forgotten that most American K1-12 history books have purged that event from their pages, because they only want to present the warm-fuzzy side of American history. It's a bit like the Texas Board of Education trying to remove slavery from American history or rewriting the relationship between America and Native Americans. God forbid, we ever teach from a textbook that is not PRO-AMERICAN.

But I digress. The panelists, more or less, concluded that Americans would take to the streets in protest of a Muslim registry. They foresaw street protests and non-Muslims flooding the registry as a form of passive resistance. In the end, they all seemed to feel that it just couldn't happen here, again. The operative word is "again."

In response I wrote:

Yeah, the clever Muslims and non-Muslims will flood the registry. Sort of like how the clever Jews and non-Jews flooded the trains to overwhelm the German railroad system. Come on, get real. It may or may not happen, but history shows us that if it does it will take Americans about 5 years to wake up and give a shit, which is why it took Americans from 1950 to 1956 to decide that maybe McCarthyism wasn't such a great idea. Our why it took a decade for Americans to decide that Vietnam wasn't working out.

Americans have a bad habit of being a day late and a dollar short when it comes to really serious issues like this one. Even when you slap 'em and shake 'em with information, they will still stand ideally by and watch, just as they did when America invaded and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. In general, if an American's stomach is full and the cable is working, they are slow to rouse and even slower to act.

A Muslim registry may never happen, but if the government wants it bad enough, it will happen and it will last for years, just like Guantanamo Bay.

On the bright side, a good registry can be used to register all kinds of things as well as lots of other groups of people, maybe even you.

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