Most Americans probably use images of Animal House as their intellectual guide to modern fraternities. In some ways, those memories from the film represent the best of what a fraternity can be. In reality, however, fraternities are much darker, sinister places.
The idea behind most fraternities is that by joining the fraternity you become part of a group that is better than those who do not belong to the fraternity. This group will then provide you with a life long advantage for your career and a multitude of social opportunities. However, for it to work it cannot be open to all. This off course is the basis for the selection process. A process that was nicely depicted in the film Network, as well as a number of other classic films. After selection, there is the initiation process. Finally there is the degradation of the hazing process. A process that is universally sexual, often perverted and always humiliating for those being hazed, while empowering for those doing the hazing. I find it strange that the torture pictures from Abu Ghraib resemble fairly standard fraternity hazing.

Separatism is nothing more than a tool that can be used to shape a bigot or a racist. It is a blunt instrument and the resulting human is both crude and ugly. However, we tolerate separatist because we fail to see the product. However, I ask you to look at the pictures I've include. The ritual dehumanizing behaviors that join separatists into a fraternity are the same dehumanizing behaviors that can be directed towards those that are deemed "other." The only question is: Who is the "other" today?I will also note that those within fraternities, are in my experience, better sheep than sheep dogs. It only takes one or two to start up a rousing chorus of "Let's Lynch Some Niggers" to get a whole bus full of, perhaps otherwise normal, people to join in the sing along. People who join fraternities are very often weak minded and desperate to be a part of something. If that something is wildly racist, well, too bad.
What About Sororities?

Does my critique apply to everyone who has ever joined a Greek organization? No, of course not; however, I think that has more to do with the quality of the individual's character than an the absence of separatist and racists ideologies in your run of the mill Frat or Sorority house.
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