For your consideration, I offer Netanyahu.
Sometimes the best place to start an essay is with the relevant definitions.
- Psychopath: A person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior, reduced empathy, and reduced inhibition.
- Sociopath: A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviors.
- Borderline personality disorder: A serious mental illness marked by unstable moods, behaviors and relationships.
- Narcissism: Excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one’s appearance, extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talent and a craving for admiration.

Variation of these personality disorders have turned up
repeatedly throughout history. We’ve seen them in world, regional, national and
local leaders and policy makers. In most cases, the resulting mixture of
authority, power and misguided mind produce devastating social effects. Charles
Taylor, Ho Chi Minh, Benito Mussolini, Ante Pavelic, Yahya Khan, Idi Amin,
Josip Tito, Saddam Hussein, Kim Il Sung, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Augusto
Pinochet, and Mao Ze Dong; these names are deeply etched into history and are
powerful examples of the human cost of dysfunctional minds completely out of
Consider the example of Saddam Hussein. For a period of time
he had mastered his disguise to the point that he could blend in among other national
leaders. He was a US alley for many years, and his unstable side was able to
hide in plain sight. He was able to hide to the point that the US supplied him
with considerable support and weapons. Later, these same weapons would be
turned on the citizens of Iraq in one of his many psychotic outburst that lead
directly to the deaths of 10s of thousands of people.
Netanyahu’s speech to the US congress on the 3rd
of March, 2015, as well as his earlier speeches at the UN in 2012 and to the US
congress in 2003, as well as an amazing assortment of TV interviews make it very
clear that, while not currently suitable for the list of names above, Netanyahu
is nonetheless afflicted with a potent mixture of the personality disorders previously
described. A mixture, which if unchecked, as with Saddam Hussein, could lead to
a catastrophe. For the moment, it appears that he is functional enough to hide within
the heard of those only mildly affected. His function side was revealed as he received
50 ovations in his recent speech to the US Congress. Although his ability to hide
depends in large measure, on a willingness to look the other way and ignore his
glaring personality defects.
It is also worth noting that while Hussein did not
have access to weapons of mass destruction, Netanyahu does.
While you might think the Netanyahu is the subject of this
essay, it turns out he is not. The subject of the essay is the US Congress; and
the question I seek to answer is, “why were the stewards of Capital Hill jumping
up and down, like puppets on strings, applauding everything Netanyahu?” Please
excuse my vulgar side note, but Netanyahu could have tipped himself slightly to
the right and farted and gotten a rousing standing ovation, which would have
made 51 ovations in all.
One possible explanation is that the collective political
elite of Washington do not believe as I do when it comes to the shaky ground of
Netanyahu’s mental status. I am willing to concede that this is probably true
for at least a few. There are those who buy into Netanyahu’s narrative of the Middle
East, however, I don’t think it represents more than a small fraction of those
that attended his speech. Of the 500 plus that filled the chamber, I am
convinced the vast majority did not, for one second, fail to recognize that the
venom and hate they were applauding was coming from the mind of a borderline psychotic.
So why did they applaud – again, and again and again?
They were encouraging and empowering Netanyahu because they
too are afflicted. They were there offering their support because their
careers, their prestige, their power, and their futures were tied to the money that
Netanyahu represented. They were there because they are narcissists. Instead of
turning their back on this increasingly dysfunctional world leader, they stood
and applauded as he spelled out his plan to keep the Middle East and America in
a state of war for the foreseeable future. The number of potential deaths and
the degree of human suffering never came up, because, as a psychotic and
sociopath those things are not important and therefore, are rarely mentioned,
unless it is politically expedient.
I contend, that what we saw, which include democrats and
republicans, was little different than the German parliament listening to their
psychotic leader as he outlined his plans to cleanse the Europe of the Roma,
Slavs and homosexuals. The Jews were an afterthought.
Were those parliamentarians complicit in the horrors that
followed, of course they were. If Netanyahu interprets his rousing speech as congressional
permission to lose the tenuous bonds that tether him to reality, and launches a
preemptive strike, nuclear or otherwise, against Iran, will the members of
Congress that danced and applauded like puppets be complicit? Of course!
Will they care? Of course not!
The line between madness and sanity is very fine, and
historically it is crossed easily and it is often crossed before anyone realizes
what has happened. Do not lose sight of the fact that many, many American
cheered and applauded as Hitler started his conquest of Europe. By the time
people realized that the line between a charismatic, strong leader and a madman
had been crossed, the damage was already done.
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