07 July 2013
By Thomas Secrest
Some days I wake up feeling a little better than others. Today was one of those days. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. I sat down at my window to the world and opened Facebook and the first thing that popped up was a video (see below) showing a police check point that was set up somewhere, everywhere, in America on the evening of the 4th of July.
These check points were ushered in a long time ago under the banner of Mother's Against Drunk Driving. The organization itself was well intentioned, if perhaps somewhat misguided. Nobody wants a single death to be caused by a drunk driver.
However, for those who have always preferred a more autocratic, fascist style America, it was the perfect opening for random stops and checks. Anyone objecting would be tarred and feathered as someone who favored drunk driving and wanted to see innocent people killed in traffic accidents. In the rank and file in favor of random stops were the loyal sheep of society who proclaimed that if you're not drunk then you have nothing to worry about and therefore they don't mind being randomly stopped. These are, of course, the same ones who proclaim that if you're not saying or writing anything you shouldn't, then you have nothing to fear if someone reads and listens to everything you say and write.
With protection of Mother's Against Drunk Driving, states around the union began setting up random check points. At first they were fought by the various civil liberties organizations, and there were those rare victories, but the feel of the jackboot on the neck of citizens was intoxicating to the police and their handlers and they had no intention of giving up there ability to randomly stop citizens, instill fear and demand submission under penalty of arrest and prison.
States simply adjusted the wording of the laws that gave the police far reaching authority over citizens. Additionally, those who favored an autocratic, fascist style America began to pack the courts. Many judges are appointed and those appoints are expected to be philosophically aligned with those who appointed them.
Victories in cases brought against illegal detention and searches at random stops became fewer and fewer as legislators wrote and rewrote the laws to give the police more and more power over citizens.
Now, after more than two decades, either through appointment or through the bad judgement of the American sheep, the courts have been stacked against civil liberties and in favor of the new American police state.
Dark times are coming.
DUI Random Check, 4th July 2013
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