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Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's time to say goodbye to Afghanistan

Prague, CZ
20 July 2013
Thomas Secrest

Before we ever invaded and occupied Afghanistan (in search or 40 or 50 fools) there were qualified people saying that the country would not convert to democracy and would never become a bastion for the enlightenment. 

Instead they said that as soon as the US and NATO forces left, Afghanistan would revert back to a primitive society and whatever social advancements had been gained by the life's of so many, would quickly vanish.

Collectively we ignored those thoughtful voices, but now their wisdom is painfully obvious.

Afghanistan is tribal, patriarchal and uneducated. It is the religious trifecta. In this case the religion is Islam, which along with the Mesoamerican regions, is among the worst religions our species has ever created.

Regrettably, like a cancer, Islam will continue to grow in Afghanistan and its misogynistic traditions will metastasize back towards the larger more secular towns. There is no surgical treatment (i.e. military) and there is no pharmacological treatment (e.g. social education). Afghanistan, the patient, is destine to die, and the death certificate will read "death by Islam."

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