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Friday, July 12, 2013

Do Right to Life oraganizations really care about aborptions? I think not.

Prague, CZ
12 July 2013
Thomas Secrest

I guess there are few issues more divisive than abortion. While I do have strong feelings on the issue, it is not the subject of this essay.

Instead I am interested in those of low character who would use such a delicate issue to advance an agenda that they would claim to be moral and ethical, but which in reality is neither.

I've never met a pro-choice person who didn't hope that someday, abortions would be a grim memory of the past. However, and this is my opinion, we live in a country where religious groups with questionable motivations have created an environment where abortions are a necessary evil.

I wrote yesterday on the issue of human rights and used The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a pretty good example. The religious groups mentioned above, have no use for this declaration because it was prepared by man and not handed down from their god. That The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is much more thoughtful and comprehensive than anything found in the bible, is evidence, that either their god or the bible is seriously flawed.

However, flawed or not, they have no intention of endorsing all the rights found in the declaration, and to that end they want to influence legislation in such a way as to impose their views on the rest of society.

What I find so disgusting is that they will use any and every issue to advance the theocratic states of America.

As an example of this attempted deceit let me offer the Cleveland Right to Life manifesto.
WE believe that all human beings are made in the image of the Creator and must be respected and protected from the moment of conception until natural death.
We know to be true that human rights begin when human life begins, as affirmed in the Declaration of Independence.
So as to foster a culture of life we promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings and reject such practices as abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and same-sex marriage that are contrary to “the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God”.
In the first sentence they use the word 'believe' which usually means you feel strongly about something but you don't have firm evidence for it. So in effect they think 'the' creator looks human. In the second sentence they use the word 'know' which is very different than believe. They know that human rights begin when human life begins. I would suggest that, just as they have no evidence for what the creator looks like, they also have no evidence regarding the beginning of human rights. 
Of greater importance is that they offer no firm definition of what constitutes human rights (e.g. something like The Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and they offer no firm definition regarding what constitutes the beginning of human life. It is these two definitions that divide fair and just minded people on this issue. For them to claim supernatural sources of information from the beginning means that they really have no intention in having an open and honest debate or in trying to advance society in ways that seek to minimize the need for abortions. 
Plus, no matter how you read the Declaration of Independence, there is nothing to suggest that abortion ever crossed the minds of the authors as they were writing those words; so why would the Cleveland Right to Life organization lie in this way?

Their real motivation becomes clear in the third sentence. Can you spot the odd man out. Can you spot the one that suggests that these people have a single objective, which is to advance their religious views to the level of law and subjugate all those who disagree with their particular interpretation of what 'the' creator had to say.

What does same-sex marriage have to do with the right to life? The answer is a thunderous Nothing! It is simply a part of their reprehensible, vile and degrading world view.

In the very important and much need reasonable and rational discussion about abortion, these people have no place and neither do the politicians who willingly disgrace and debase themselves through open association.

America is NOT a christian theocracy. It never was and it never will be.

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