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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why Are There So Many Sheep?

Prague, CZ
31 July 2013
Thomas Secrest

Why Are There So Many Sheep?

Today Edward Snowden provided more information about NSA activities. As before the corporate media spooned the story, prechewed and predigested, into the gaping, waiting mouths of the American citizens; all they had to do was swallow.

When Snowden released the first bit of information, those that speak for those with no names, quickly announced that PRISM was not used against American citizens. Then they announced that we shouldn't worry, the information was just a bunch of 1s and 0s. Then they said that there were safeguards and special courts that oversaw the whole process to keep it honest and protect citizens. Then they called it meaningless metadata.

Perhaps Snowden is a really clever. Maybe he figured that he could wait for the mouthpieces to lie about his previous information, before releasing more information that exposed their lies. I want to think he is that clever. I want to believe he give them enough rope to hang themselves.

The only problem with his plan is an American public that just doesn't care.

Once again Snowden has released new information that demonstrates that government told lie after lie after lie about the NSA and PRISM programs. However, no one cares. No one insists that those who stood before the nation, with the sole purpose of deceiving the American public, be held accountable for those lies. No reporters ask the likes of Obama, Carney, Clapper, Graham, Holder, Feinstein or Inglis why they lied to the public. No one bothered to ask, "if you will lie to our faces about this, what else will you lie about; what else have you lied about?"

America has become a nation of sheep.

I think it is worth reminding every American, that the destiny of sheep, in a land of wolves, is to be killed for dinner.

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